Hello World

Welcome to my blog! Here documents my journey of learning to code and becoming a software engineer.

I started self-studying Python sometime in January 2020. It’s nearly eleven months later and I can proudly say that I’m still learning. Am I where I would like to be? No. To be fair, I’d like to be an engineering manager at Microsoft or work on cutting edge AR/VR technology or pioneering tech in self-driving cars, but I’m trying to manage my expectations. Have I continued to learn Python despite working full-time during a global pandemic and weathering an election that’s historical for too many of the wrong reasons? Yes! Round of applause for me for not throwing in the towel. That’s the part I’m focusing on. I won’t lie and say the stress of COVID hasn’t made this process more difficult. Let’s break down the journey thus far…

I struggled to decide which language was right for me. Did I want to study front-end? Back-end? Cybersecurity? Not to mention I had no idea what any of those terms entailed. I finally settled on Python after playing with HTML on freecodeacademy and a going through a Harvard CS50 course. It’s a popular beginner friendly language.

I took a two-month hiatus from coding while in quarantine and focused on maintaining my mental health. Don’t neglect your mental health, people. I have anxiety and I’ve learned managing it makes me more productive. Shoutout to self-care πŸŽ‰

Fast-forward and I’m pretty much done with the first part of the Python crash coursebook.

My goals for this week are to finish up learning functions in my Udemy course and to begin my first project. It’s a pretty simple tic tac toe game, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not excited to finally build something!

I’m delighted to share my experience with you lovely people. Hopefully, a few years from now this will inspire some warm nostalgia of me grinding it out in the library after work. (Speaking of libraries, if you’re not using your library to study or check out free coding books or even their free classes on lynda.com, you are missing out. Seriously.)

I’ll try to update weekly. Glad to have you. ✌🏾

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